Should I stand my ground or not?
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy was developed by Marsha Linehan and has been around since the late 1980’s. I think I have always understood...
The shame blame game.
THE SHAME BLAME GAME In her books (The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly) Brené Brown highlights the role of shame in our lives, and...
Tip 4: Ask the expert
Although I have training in a variety of therapeutic modalities, sometimes all I know is not enough and I feel stuck. It may be that the...
Tip 3: Encourage change talk
"Choices" (CC BY 2.0) by citranow When making decisions, we hold a set of scales in our mind –the good and bad things about changing,...
Tip 2: Recognise Patterns
"Green as a leaf" (CC BY 2.0) by Criss! I want to start this conversation with the concept of the interdisciplinary team - a group of...
Tip 1: Be More Like a Rubber Duck
"Rubber Ducky Alone" (CC BY 2.0) by Davmi Pics “Rubber duck debugging” (The Pragmatic Programmer, by Andrew Hunt) is a form of...